Monday, March 26, 2007

The Ethicality of Grade Changing

So here's my view on middle school art grading--it should be simple enough to pass. You come to class, don't be a jerk, do a half decent job at your work, and you'll pull out a B. So, it goes to say, I do not have any qualms failing those who need failing. I take a weird, sinister joy in it--it's like pointing out the kids who will be making my burritos at Taco Bell.

However, I am at a moral impasse this quarter. I have this student--let's call her Wanda--and Wanda was absent the first two weeks of my class due to the law giving her an extended vacation from school. She returned and proceeded to show her butt and generally be a non-happy person. However, in the past two weeks, she has done a complete turnaround. Wanda is doing her work, laughing, and contributing to class. She even suggested coloring her tessellation with purple and yellow because they are complementary colors! My soul smiled then. :) She EVEN recycled today!!!

So here come my ethics. I think Wanda needs to see a passing on her report card so that she doesn't lose hope that she can change, but there is no logical way for her to have brought her 25 up to passing! I am faced with simply changing her grade to a C- and dealing with my qualms or not and dealing with a backslide in effort and behavior.

This change is not a policy change I am ready to make across the board, and if I will not make it across the board, why would I make it for Wanda? That answer is fairly simple. Wanda is what middle school is about. As a fellow teacher has told me "You have to be there to catch them when they fall and then help lift them back up." Wanda is ready to be lifted.

1.75 years as a teacher and already I sound like one of those corny books. Save me, Lava Lamp Robot!


Blogger Matt said...

You meant to say "lift" and instead went with "life" at the end of this story. I give you a C-...

7:38 AM  
Blogger 2canSam said...

Bertrand Russel said that education is "One of the chief obstacles to intelligence and freedom of thought." Would failing Wanda throw another obstacle in her path or would it help her grow?

2:52 PM  
Blogger thrhodes said...

So what is her home situation like? Did her parents know she was doing so poorly initially? If they had no idea then it's not going to be fun when Wanda shows up with an F in art. Sometimes it takes kids a little while to get into the flow of school and learn what your expectations are. It seems like she has turned the corner and cutting her some slack now may save you future headaches. It seems like she just needed a second chance or third or fourth as the case may be since I don't know all the details. Did you ever screw up and were thankful someone gave you a break when you didn't deserve it? Justice demands Wanda fail but grace allows her to pass. We all would be better off exhibiting a little more of the latter.

7:31 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

thrhodes has a few good points, but he/she should consider this:

- Justice would be a kickass name for either an American Gladiator or a detective/cop/security guard's last name in a Cinemax late night flick.

- Grace is a lame name for a girl.

Who wins the battle of Justice & Grace? Justice, duh...

9:41 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

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9:44 AM  
Blogger Matt said...

Damn double post. Make it a triple...

9:46 AM  

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